JB---STOP Haters BIEBER There Is NO Reason Is An ANGEL---JB
---U HATE BIEBER because?(P.S:4 HATERS special!!!!:/)
=>Because he makes people smiles?>3 =>Because he followed his dreams?>3 =>Because he teaches people to follow theirs?>3 =>Because he worked hard from a young age?>3 =>Because he is a good looking?>3 =>Because he has talent?>3 =>Because millions adore him?>3 =>Because he donated 3,OOO,OOO for Haiti?>3 =>Because he donated 7,OOO,OOO for Japan?>3 =>Because he donated 1OOO,OOO to a school of poor , homeless kids?>3 =>Because he helped boost organ donor registration?>3 =>Because the profits no 1 fragrance went to charities?>3 =>Because halt of the profits from his christmas album went to charity?>3 =>Because he made a 6 years old with brain cancer|s dream come true?>3 =>Because of the BELIEVE charity drive?>3 =>Because he|s involved with over 2O charities?>3
---Or do you Just HATE him because you want to look | cool? ---You don|t have the be a BELIEBER. But as least RESPECT...JUSTIN DREW BIEBER is the good & perfect 4 BELIEBERS person & helps so many out there.
=>Official By:xBELIEBERx4Everx =>I`m a REAL BELIEBER & I`m proud of it!!! =>I have BIEBER FEVER & I`m proud of it!!!
Sorry but I really hate JB,he's goin' to be crazy with his love songs.Stop it really,everyone with their opinion and done & I'II continued to be strong with my opinion.
Nu merita frate sa aiiba haterii + `va luati aiurea de noi k vb singuri (((:))) :-j nu te baga in mitea BELIEBERIILOR`
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